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Sweet Candy Rose Bouquet


Introducing our Sweet Candy Rose Bouquet, a delightful bouquet of vibrant roses that will brighten anyone's day. This stunning bouquet features an assortment of pastel-colored roses, reminiscent of a sweet candy treat. Each stem is carefully hand-picked and arranged to create a beautiful presentation that is perfect for any occasion. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or just want to show someone you care, the Sweet Candy Rose Bouquet is the perfect choice. With its sweet and charming aesthetic, this bouquet is sure to bring joy and cheer to whoever receives it.


* Blooms Flower and Design is a boutique florist, and all of our arrangements are custom made. The photo is an example of colour palette, size and overall style. If specific colours, or flowers are preferred, please mention this in Special Instructions to the Designer. Thank you.





* Blooms Flower and Design is a boutique florist, and all of our arrangements are custom made. The photo is an example of colour palette, size and overall style. If specific colours, or flowers are preferred, please mention this in Special Instructions to the Designer. Thank you.





Sweet Candy Rose Bouquet




    Address: #7-21 Fairburn Dr

    Markham ON L6G 0A5

    Phone: 905-944-8496


    周一至周五:上午 11 点至下午 6 点
    ​​星期六:上午 11 点至下午 5 点



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